Youth Urged to Take Lion’s Share in Peace-Building Process of Africa

Ethiopia’s Women and Social Affairs Minister called on African youth to contribute their share to the endeavors of peace-building across the continent.

Women and Social Affairs Minister Ergoge Tesfaye made the remark today at the opening of the 2022 African Youth for Peace Program conference underway here in Addis Ababa under the theme “Protecting Environment and Promoting Peace.”

She said on the occasion that Africa, with 75 percent of the population under the age of 35, is appropriate to exploit the potential for ensuring lasting peace in every corner of the continent.

Despite challenges of unemployment, corruption, entrenched political leadership, and political violence, many African youth have been seeking constructive avenues to promote peace, effective governance, and reform, the minister added.

Any Peace building initiative will not bear fruit unless it includes the participation of the youth, Ergoge stressed.

According to her, Ethiopia is working to play its own role by mobilizing the people of the continent for common wellbeing.

She also pointed out that a system is being set up for the youth of Ethiopia in order to be part of the peace-building activities and benefit the development in the country.

State Minister for Defense, Martha Liwiji, said Ethiopia has played a significant role in maintaining peace in various countries under the auspices of the United Nations and the African Union since 1951.

She noted that Ethiopia is currently participating in the African Union’s peacekeeping missions in various countries of the continent.

The youth should contribute their share to ensure peace in Africa, Martha underlined.

The role of youth is tremendous to realize the aspiration that inspired “Silencing the Guns in Africa” agenda, a flagship initiative of the African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063, that strives to end all wars, conflict and gender-based violence, and to prevent genocide, Brigadier General Kabisa Domitien, Head of Peace Operations Department of East Africa Standby Force said.

He further called on the African youth to stand up for peace and get the continent out of the vicious circle of war and conflict.

In addition to peace-building, the forum will also discuss green development, it was learned.

The 2022 African Youth for Peace Program conference, jointly organized by Ministry of Women and Social Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and the East African Standby Force has brought together youth from over 10 countries, including Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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