Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 25 May – 2 June 2021

IDP Response

During the reporting period, UNHCR distributed core relief items to some 1,700 families (10,200 individuals). Most distributions took place in Hudaydah governorate, followed by Ibb, Marib and Sana’a. Families benefitting from the assistance were either newly displaced or displaced for a prolonged period, many of whom were forced to leave their homes without any personal items. The kits contained mattresses, blankets, kitchen sets and solar lamps, among other items to support the families’ most immediate and essential needs.

Lack of funding has forced UNHCR to temporarily halt its rental subsidy programme, affecting thousands of vulnerable families. UNHCR is extremely grateful to donors who contributed to the Yemen operation to date, allowing UNHCR to continue critical lifesaving interventions.
Nevertheless, as of June this year, two-third of the Operation’s programmatic interventions remain critically underfunded. UNHCR’s rental subsidy programme and refugee interventions in particular — a lifeline for some 140,000 refugees, mainly from Somalia and Ethiopia — currently have insufficient funding to continue benefitting those most in need. As a result, many IDPs and refugees are resorting to harmful coping mechanisms such as reducing food intake or health expenditures, child labour, and survival sex. More than 11,500 families (69,000 individuals) in Sana’a alone have been affected by the halt of rental subsidies this year, leaving many at heightened risk of eviction. UNHCR hopes that projected unearmarked funding will allow for a resumption of the subsidy programme during the second half of 2021.

UNHCR continues to conduct protection assessments to determine the most urgent needs of displaced populations, adjusting interventions accordingly.
During the reporting period, UNHCR assessed more than 2,800 displaced Yemeni families (16,800 individuals), mostly in Sana’a, Dhamar, Amran and Hudaydah governorates. Initial findings reveal that a significant number of families were in need of food, emergency shelter kits, legal assistance, and core relief items, among other critical services.

UNHCR continues to support maintenance works in IDP hosting sites across Yemen. UNHCR and partners finalized plans to improve a series of WASH gaps and services in IDP hosting sites in Amran governorate. Five solar units will be delivered to support five water wells, along with 80 latrines and water filters.

Refugee Response

During the reporting period, UNHCR provided a total of 1,800 refugee and asylum-seeker families with hygiene kits and non-food items in Kharaz refugee camp, in Lahj governorate. Items distributed included stoves and jerricans, as well as face masks and soap to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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