World 10 Top Tourist Recipient Mexico Open to Share Best Practices, Invest in Ethiopia

Mexico, one of the top 10 tourist recipient countries in the world, is open to share its best practices and invest in Ethiopia’s tourism sector, Mexican Ambassador to Ethiopia Victor Trevino said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Ambassador Trevino said “Mexico is one of the top 10 countries recipients of tourism and we are open to work with Ethiopia to share information, best practices, and of course to invest.”

Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed pointed out in his recent statement at the House of Peoples’ Representatives that one of the priorities of the country is tourism.

And the European Council for Tourism and Trade (ECTT) has unanimously selected Ethiopia as the World Best Tourist Destination for 2015.

The Mexican ambassador said, “we have a lot of similarities. We are proud of our historical sites as Ethiopia has Lalibella, and we have the pyramid among others. So, we deserve to work together.”

UNESCO has recognized and registered four intangible and nine tangible Ethiopian (a total of 13) heritages.

“Despite that we are very far. Yet we have Ethiopia in our heart because in Mexico we have Ethiopian square,” he revealed.

Similarly, there is Mexico Square in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, named after the country.

The East African nation has spectacular scenery, rich bio-diversity, and numerous protected areas, a land from the high Semien and Bale mountains to Danakil Depression, the lowest point in Africa.

Ethiopia is known as “the land of origins,” where many important archaeological and paleontological milestones have been uncovered. The earliest human ancestors were discovered in the Afar Depression in northeastern Ethiopia, with Lucy (Australopithecus afarensis) the most famous of them all.

The longstanding friendship between the two nations goes back to 1936 when Mexico strongly condemned the Italian invasion of Ethiopia and supported its independence and status as a member of the League of Nations.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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