Workshop on Sustainable Engineering for Sustainable Development

Addis Ababa University (AAU) Institute of Technology (AAiT) in collaboration with Dresden University of Technology, Germany, organized a workshop on “Sustainable Engineering for Sustainable Development”with the attendance of higher government officials, scholars and stakeholders at AAiT on the 3rd of November 2022.

Detail discussions were held to enable a common understanding on the concept of sustainable engineering and its roles on sustainable development targets of the country.

Common focus areas of sustainable engineering were briefly identified in order to realize sustainable development goals and meet the needs of the future generation with coordinated efforts, bridging gaps, examining strategies and policies together with relevant stakeholders by integrating sustainability of engineering education.

Tirumar Abate, State Minister of Planning and Development, on her keynote speech said that Ethiopia has put tremendous efforts in terms of mainstreaming the sustainability agenda in its consecutive national development plans, policies as well as development programs and projects.

There is an immense role of engineering and technology capacity that helps much in the process of building sustainable and climate resilient green economy. This can also be achieved through the continuous provision of innovative solutions towards resource utilization as well as new technologies and sustainable inventions in various sectors of the economy,” she said.

This in turn requires qualified engineers and technologies with a purpose of ensuring sustainable development, she further stated.

According to Tirumar, attempts have been made to align engineering education along with the development plans of the country in Ethiopia. However, there have been limitations in unleashing the full potentials of engineering and technology education as well as research in Ethiopia’s development policy making process, she added.

The State Minister noted that stakeholders need to come forward via conduction of applied researches as to why sustainable engineering education and research have to be the priority of the government reaffirming that the Ministry of Planning and Development will provide the necessary support for such kinds of efforts.

Dereje Duguma (MD), State Minister of Health on his part highlighted the use of sustainable engineering and technology in the health sector.

He said that thinking the progress of health center is difficult without sustainable engineering and technology indicating that most medical equipments, which are the backbone of the health system in Ethiopia, are imported from different countries.

Adequate knowledge and practice in terms of medical equipment technologies and engineering is necessary to have modern medical equipments like City Scan, X-ray and MRI machines as well as manufacturing of vaccines, gloves and other materials,

he added.The Minister finally underlined that working with AAU and other universities as well as concerned stakeholders will be the core activity in order to achieve the goals to improve the health care system in the country.

Emebet Mulugeta (PhD), Academic Vice President of AAU, said that Ethiopia has advanced both economically and technologically within the growth of industries which have rendered their own contributions apart from undeniable challenges they impose to the environment.

According to Dr. Emebet, sustainable engineering has a great role to controlling, restoring and rehabilitating environmental risks by designing, producing and using different technologies.

Bikila Teklu (PhD), Chief Executive Director of AAiT, said that the concept of sustainable engineering is a new and an emerging topic that UNESCO defines “the process of using resources in a way that does not compromise the environment or deplete the materials for future generations.

According to Dr. Bikila, it is always important to ensure that academic programs and curriculums are aligned with the current and future needs of society and that the graduates are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to address those needs.

Different innovative works made by different department students and staff of AAiT were displayed and visited by the participants on the workshop.


Source: Addis Ababa University

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