Wheat Cultivation Success Demonstrates Ethiopia’s Capability to be transformed In All Aspects: Chief Administrators

The achievements being registered in wheat cultivation demonstrate the fact that Ethiopia will be able to be transformed in all aspects besides ensuring the food self-sufficiency of the country, Regional Chief Administrators underscored.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has today officially launched the national summer wheat cultivation of the 2015 Ethiopian fiscal year.

Regional Chief Administrators and other senior government officials were present at the launching ceremony held in Somali region.

It was indicated during the occasion that Ethiopia has produced some 25 million quintals of wheat in the 2014 summer irrigation development activities alone. Furthermore, the nation has planned to develop some 1.3 million hectares of land with summer irrigation activities during this Ethiopian fiscal year to harvest 52 million quintals of wheat.

Regional Chief Administrators present at the occasion said Ethiopia has registered remarkable achievements in wheat production that could be considered as a great lesson that the nation can be transformed within a short period of time so long as there is cooperation and commitment in all areas.

President of Oromia Region, Shimelis Abdisa stated that the success obtained in wheat cultivation has helped the country to save huge amount of foreign currency.

noting that the vision that Ethiopia will stop wheat export was perceived a dream, he said however, the nation has been able to realizing this vision with in short period of time.

The existing reality has confirmed the fact that Ethiopia will commence wheat export to other countries beyond its needs, Shimelis added.

“Now we are talking about export. We don’t want to talk about the import substitution now as we have already achieved this. Last year Ethiopia has saved one billion USD that used to be spent to importing wheat. This is a big victory for Ethiopia. The additional victory will be the commencement of wheat export. This year without any doubt we will export wheat.”

Amhara Region Chief Administrator, Yilkal Kefale for his part said the success registered in wheat cultivation clearly signifies that Ethiopia will be able to conquest poverty by increasing its productivity.

“The experience learned during the 2014 season and the productivity of wheat in summer irrigation development was huge. By evaluating this achievement Ethiopia not only will become food self-sufficient but also confirms the fact that Ethiopia can provide wheat production to other countries too. As per the preliminary forecast, the nation can produce more than 100 million quintals of wheat. This is one of the evidences that clearly signify that Ethiopia will be able to conquest poverty by increasing its productivity.”

Chief Administrator of Afar region, Awol Arba said particularly the large wheat cultivations being carried out in Afar and Somale regions, which are repeatedly affected by draught, will bring a great deal of hope to citizens citing the wheat production obtained in Somale region as a good example to other regions.

The Chief Administrator of South Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region, Ristu Yirdaw stated that the success gained in wheat cultivation as one of the vital instruments to protecting national sovereignty and freedom of the country in addition to its contribution to realizing food self-sufficiency.

Addis Ababa City Mayor, Adanech Abiebie for her part said the wheat production will greatly provide supports to the ongoing efforts underway with a view to alleviating cost of living in urban areas.

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