West Welega Zone Returning to Normalcy Following Military Crackdown Against Terrorist Shene

The West Welega Zone of Oromia region is returning to normalcy after the intensive military crackdown against terrorist Shene, the Commander-in-chief of West Welega Zone special force at Oromia Police Commission said.

Zonal Special Force Commander-in-Chief, Negera Dufera also confirmed that the measure being carried out against the terrorist Shene has further been intensified.

In addition to the massacre of innocent people, the terrorist Shene has destroyed several  infrastructures in the area.

Recalling the brutal massacre of civilians in Tole Kebele, Gimbi woreda, West Wollega Zone of Oromia by the terrorist Shene, currently the Zone is returning to normalcy after the intensive military crackdown conducted against terrorist.

Negera also said that the terrorist group has been returning the properties that it had looted.

The security forces are working day and night to eliminate the terrorist group without being hindered by the predicament of  climate and geographical settings, he added.

He further stated that the joint operation being conducted by the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) and the regional security forces has been enabling the West Welega Zone to return to normalcy.

According to him, the security forces are working with a strong dedication to eliminate the terrorist group with a view to preventing Shene from attacking the population again.

Negera said the security forces are also conducting coordinated operations in all areas where the terrorist group has been operating to ensure a lasting peace and security of the people.

He said that the terrorist group has been suffering huge human and material losses by the ongoing coordinated military operation.

Negera has also reaffirmed that the law enforcement operation will be further intensified against the terrorist group.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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