USAID’s Fortified Energy Food That Ended up in the Hands of the TPLF Terrorists

A specimen of fortified energy food has been caught in the hands of terrorist TPLF commander. These supplementary food items were transported to Tigray by international aid organizations who claimed to “distribute” them to the people in Tigray.”

It is common knowledge that 5 international NGOs are distributing relief food in Tigray but now the question is how did the terrorist TPLF leadership managed to have access to such supplementary food that was meant to be distributed to the needy people in Tigray surpasses the main issue at hand.

The international community should conduct a rigorous inquiry into how the food that was purchased and donated by the American people and other countries for “beneficiaries” been used inappropriately to nourish the terrorists.

According to Disaster Risk Management Commission Commissioner Mitiku Kasa, “the five international NGOs are obliged to ensure that food aid should reach to the beneficiaries in their respective areas of operation.”

However, these humanitarian organizations failed to keep up to their responsibilities to ensure that relief aid has reached the targeted beneficiaries but instead repeatedly resorted to blaming the federal government.

While the grim reality is the reverse, USAID Director Samantha Power  has recently issued a press conference  blaming the federal government for disruption of food aid to the needy population claiming that “food aid for the needy population has been depleted. “  We need to raise a question on why shouldn’t it be depleted if it is also distributed to terrorist TPLF?

The fact that specimen of fortified energy food found in the hands of the traitor colonel indicates that Samantha Power   has hurdled such accusations not so much because she was sympathetic with the needy beneficiaries.

How did the traitor colonel manage to get access to fortified energy food?

In the event of the war at Gassay front in Amhara region, the patriotic forces that confronted the terrorist TPLF forces emerged victorious and many were killed while others fled in disarray or captured. Colonel Gebreheiwot Gebrealaf  was one of those captured. The traitor colonel had four identification cards.

He said “ I was given a mission to destroy the political and administrative order in the country” The fact that he possessed different identification cards showed that he was continuously moving from place to place disguising himself in various ways.

When the colonel was captured in Gassay, a search on his body revealed that he possessed fortified energy food stuff with labels and printed covers which easily showed that the food was meant to be distributed to people of Tigray who are languishing under the wrong agenda of terrorist TPLF.

Where were the international aid organizations which lamented “we were unable to deliver food aid to the needy” when this has happened? The fact that the fortified energy food ended up in the hands of the terrorists clearly indicates their role in conspiring to divert food that was supposed to be delivered to the needy population in Tigray.

The fact that the traitor colonel was rounded up along with a fortified energy food allotted for a family also indicates a vivid mismanagement of food distribution by the NGOs in operation in Tigray. This again shows a conspiracy to elongate the war by diverting food meant for the needy population to the terrorists.

Even if Samantha Power accused the Ethiopian government asserting that “ food aid delivery is still incredibly insufficient” the fortified energy food that were found in the hands of terrorist TPLF groups that were captured by the gallant armed forces in areas controlled by the government show the reality is indeed otherwise.

The reality is that these officials have shown their indifferent to the lives of innocent citizens in Amhara and Afar regions who perish through the atrocities of terrorist TPLF armed groups.

Furthermore, their aim is to deliver the fortified energy food to the terrorist TPLF under the guise of a false assertion that “food aid is not being delivered to the people of Tigray” and thereby create a chaotic situation in Ethiopia.

To what extent has the Commission fulfilled its mandate of receiving reports from aid organizations which are distributing food and controlling their activities?

“According to the newly enforced operational structure they are expected to prepare and deliver their reports on food distribution but so far no report that indicates the target beneficiaries and their system of food distribution has been submitted,” Commissioner Mitiku said.

How can an international organization that has utterly failed to discharge its responsibilities shift the blame on others? The outcry from Samantha Power is characteristically so.

The federal government is working on ways and means of easing the workload on the checkpoints. Instead of supporting the government to facilitate swift food aid they are showing us their sympathy and solidarity for terrorist TPLF in the most protracted manner.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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