US Provides More than 488 mln USD in Humanitarian Assistance to Ethiopia

The United States through the USAID is providing an additional 488 million USD in critical humanitarian assistance to the people of Ethiopia, the US Embassy in Addis Ababa said.

At a press briefing the US Embassy gave today, communities across Southern and South Eastern are experiencing the worst effects of the four back-to-back drought seasons.

Farmers are also experiencing widespread crop losses and 2.5 million livestock deaths have been reported a significant loss in sources of food and income.

With today’s announcement of more than 488 million USD in humanitarian assistance, USAID partners will meet urgent needs for 4.8 million people across Ethiopia.

This includes emergency food assistance for millions of people, starving off starvation, life-saving nutrition to treat malnourished children, support for farmers to prevent crop and livestock losses, support for populations, farmers and agribusiness to build residence among other support.

With this announcement, USAID has provided more than 668 million USD in humanitarian assistance for the Ethiopia emergency drought response in fiscal year 2022.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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