UNICEF Warehouse in South Gondar Looted by Terrorist TPLF

Reports indicate that Terrorist TPLF conducted another rampage of looting on a UNICEF warehouse located in Gayint, South Gondar Zone in which food meant for children and mothers is stored.

According to witnesses, it’s now been so long since terrorist TPLF has embarked on wholesale massacring of innocent citizens, burning down entire villages, destroying food warehouses of international aid organizations, vandalizing and looting public and private institutions.

Credible sources told ENA that terrorist TPLF has carried out looting on a UNICEF warehouse in Gaint, North Gondar Zone of Amhara Region.

Sources have indicated that lifesaving nutritious food for needy children and mothers was stored in the warehouses.

Such recurrent atrocities and criminal actions perpetrated by terrorist TPLF vividly indicate its nonchalance for the wellbeing of children and their mothers, the sources said.

It is recently reported that terrorist TPLF has conducted similar lootings on USAID warehouses in areas it has intruded in Amhara Regional State.

Chairperson of the US Congressional Subcommittee for Africa, Karen Bass twitted that she is deeply disturbed by the wanton looting conducted by TPLF on USAID warehouses.

Condemning the heinous actions taken by the terrorist organization,  Representative Bass noted that TPLF has obstructed the storage of emergency food supply for more than 5 million Ethiopians in the region.

Senator Jim Risch, member of the Foreign Affairs committee of the US Senate also stated that TPLF armed groups should be made accountable for their actions in looting warehouses in which emergency food aid for the needy population is stored.

In his twitter account, the Senator also indicated that he is also deeply disturbed by the information released on lootings conducted on USAID warehouses.

The US Embassy in Addis Ababa has also confirmed that it has received evidences that indicated USAID warehouses in Amhara Regional State were looted by TPLF armed groups.

It is reported that lootings conducted on food warehouses and vehicles and the destruction conducted on entire villages in Amhara Regional State and the surrounding areas has now equally become a cause of serious concern for the beneficiaries and donors.

It is to be recalled that terrorist TPLF armed groups have destroyed food warehouses and obstructed the smooth flow of food aid into Tigray by invading it conducted on Afar Regional State.

Reports coming out from different parts of the region including the looting of UNICEF warehouses in South Gondar Zone at Gayint conspicuously indicate that the terrorist activities of the organization has continued unabated.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency


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