UNICEF Ethiopia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4, April 2022
• Following the opening of and through the Semera – Aba’la – Mekelle humanitarian corridor, UNICEF has dispatched nearly 600 metric tons of Nutrition, WASH, Health, Child Protection and Education supplies to Tigray since 1 April 2022.
• In Afar, UNICEF continues to provide access to safe water supply through water trucking and rehabilitation of existing non-functioning water schemes. Over 18,000 beneficiaries were reached during the reporting period. In addition, through the deployment of 10 Mobile Health and Nutrition Teams (MHNTs), UNICEF provided medical consultations to over 6,500 children and women.
• UNICEF’s multisectoral assessment conducted in drought affected woredas in southern Somali region highlighted gender-based violence (GBV), family separation and signs of mental health and psychosocial distress as well as increased child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM).
• As part of the drought response, UNICEF in collaboration with Somali Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs (BOLSA) has registered over 59,000 drought-affected individuals (9,544 households) across 15 IDP sites in Shebelle Zone for humanitarian cash transfers. Each household will receive a cash disbursement of 4,950 ETB in the coming weeks.
Situation in Numbers
12.4 million children in need of humanitarian assistance (2022 draft HNO and HRP)
29.7 million people in need (2022 draft HNO and HRP) *
4.51 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs) (DTM 2022) **
854,471 pending and registered refugees (UNHCR, 30 April 2022)
Source: UN Children’s Fund