UNHCR Sudan Mixed Movements Update (Eritrean and Ethiopian), January – March 2021


Sudan is a country of origin, destination and transit on the migratory route from the Horn of Africa to Europe (mainly through the Central Mediterranean route) and other destinations. An estimated 50 per cent of refugees arriving in Shagarab move out of the camps within two months of their arrival. a trend that remains unchanged for several years. UNHCR’s response focuses on persons In need of international protection who make up the majority of those moving onward towards Northern Africa and eventually Europe. UNHCR, along with other concerned agencies, supports the Government efforts to address the risks associated with irregular onward movement, including through the dedicated National Committee for Combating Human Trafficking (NCCT). In 2020-2021, UNHCR and partners have supported the NCCT process of revising the 2021. 2023 National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (NAP).


Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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