UNHCR Ethiopia: Operational Update (December 2021)


Documentation of Eritrean refugees: In Addis Ababa, UNHCR, in collaboration with the Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) continues to locate, through biometric verification, registered refugees who had been displaced from the former Shimelba and Hitsats camps and other locations in the Tigray region. Between 4 August and 25 November, a total of 14,266 families composed of 17,172 persons were verified and issued new ID cards; 6,415 refugees under age of 14 were issued proof of registration documents. The three-year documents will enable refugees to access assistance, protection and services, and open bank accounts. UNHCR has started transferring a one-off cash assistance on the bank accounts of those already verified to cover their basic needs for three months.

Over 9,000 Somali refugees registered in 2021: So far this year, UNHCR registered 9,391 new arrivals from Somalia who entered Ethiopia through the Dollo Ado and other border crossing points. Most have been relocated to different refugee camps in the Melkadida area, including 730 over the past couple of weeks. All of the new arrivals were provided with basic humanitarian supplies to help them rebuild their lives in the refugee camps, while those still at the Dollo Ado Reception Center are being offered basic assistance and services such as health and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Meanwhile, UNHCR and the Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) are working on a plan to relocate nearly 9,000 new arrivals from South Sudan currently at the Pagak Reception Centre.

16 Days of Activism: The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence was marked in different refugee camps in the country, with a series of activities that are aimed to raise awareness and promote gender equality through the participation in the campaign of both female and male members of the refugee and host communities. Launched on 25 November under the theme “Let peace prevail, End Violence Against Women and Children Now!”, the campaign has featured several events such as panel discussions, Q&As and cultural performances. A photo exhibition by refugees in Gure-Shembola camp, Benishangul-Gumuz region, organized in the camp, was opened at the conclusion of the campaign on 10 December 2021, coinciding with the Human Rights Day. Entitled “This is Our World”, the exhibition consists of 20 photographs taken by young refugees who have been given hands-on photography training. The photos reflect their everyday life in the camp, highlighting their hopes for a better future. The exhibition will be closed on 20 December.

Operationalization of the One-Stop-Shop in Bambasi camp: The One-Stop-Shop (OSS) in Bambasi refugee camp in the Benishangul-Gumuz region has started to provide all services that are essential for the protection of refugees. The services include new birth registrations, renewal and issuance of proof of registration documents and ID cards, and registration of refugees who had missed the comprehensive registration conducted in all refugee camps from 2017 to 2019. OSS Bambasi is one of the 27 facilities across Ethiopia that are aimed to serve both the refugee and local communities surrounding the camp and that are at different stages of construction.


Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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