Treasonous, Barbaric Attacks on ENDF Exposed Anti-Ethiopia Nature of TPLF: National Defense Force

The treasonous and barbaric attacks of TPLF on the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) that was based in Tigray in November, 2020 manifests the anti-people and anti-Ethiopia nature of the group, ENDF Public Relations Director Colonel Getnet said.

Briefing the media today in connection with the second year of the heinous massacre on the ENDF, Public Relations Director Colonel Getnet Adane said the day will be marked through various activities wherever the defense force are based and by all segments of the society.

Recalling that the 4th of November, 2020 was the day TPLF launched its outrageous attacks to dismantle Ethiopia, the director added that the attack of the group on the ENDF which was based in Tigray for years to protect the people, clearly showed its anti-people and anti-Ethiopia nature.

Colonel Getnet noted that witnessing the barbaric and treasonous attacks of the TPLF was heartbreaking.

Since the treasonous attacks on ENDF will go as the worst record in Ethiopia’s history, marking the day is necessary to teach the next generation not to repeat such a disgraceful act in this country, the director stressed.

Ethiopians at and abroad will commemorate the terrorist TPLF’s heinous attacks carried out on November 4, 2020 on the Ethiopian National Defense Force tomorrow.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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