TPLF Strategy Designed to Destroy Statehood in Ethiopia is Doomed

Every genocidal crimes against humanity, violations of human rights socio-economic and political vandalism that terrorist TPLF is operating in Ethiopia was strategized through a leaked document written by the gang of four and their team exactly a year ago.

The notorious and conspiratorial strategy document envisaged destroying Ethiopia by 2020 in a blitzkrieg speed war combining ethnic cleansing, destruction of the Ethiopian economy and instituting a propaganda war to effect the total destruction of the statehood and political system in the country. The strategy document repeatedly referred to the people and government of Ethiopia as the “enemy”

The content of the strategy document may be categorized into 5 interrelated sub-strategies including conducting an integrated political offensive against the government, inciting a protracted armed mass rebellion across the country based on ethnic lines, using a political negotiations as a means of destroying the “enemy”, annihilating the military capability of the nation and conducting a strong propaganda war through total misinformation, character assassination and creating anti-Ethiopia mentality among the people of Tigray and larger Ethiopian public.

The strategy of conducting an integrated political offensive, according to the strategy document implies, discrediting the achievements of the reformist government in Ethiopia and undermining the 6th National Election that was conducted in the country in unprecedented democratic and credible manner.

It also implied disrupting the election itself and preventing the formation of a new government before the end of 2020. Disrupting Ethiopia’s relations with the western countries, mobilizing anti-GERD international and regional groupings in support of Sudan and Egypt, mobilizing some members of the US congress, the ICG group and Freedom House against Ethiopia.

The second strategy that terrorist TPLF designed has been implemented even before the issuance of the infamous strategy document. In this regard terrorist TPLF combined intra-ethnic conflicts in various parts of the regional states and armed insurrections by terrorist organizations it had formed across the country. This has been going on in Amhara, Oromia, Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR), Benishanguel Gumuz, Afar and Somali regions in the form of ethnic profiled mass massacre, disruption of public and private property as well as infrastructural facilities.

Terrorist TPLF was planning to use political negotiations marred with pre-conditions that were basically illegal. The terrorist organization was calling for negotiations not as such for genuine negotiations but as a tactic for buying time and distracting the attention of the government which it branded as the “enemy”.

The fourth sub strategy that terrorist TPLF was a sub strategy of totally decapitating and annihilating the military capability of Ethiopia. The attack conducted in the mid night of November 4, 2020 was a dress rehearsal for yet other rounds of futile attempt to destroy the ENDF in a short period of time.

The fifth sub strategy is concerned with conducting total propaganda war on the people and government of Ethiopia through various mechanisms of misinformation, fabricating false news about the country in cooperation with major international media outlets and their paid lobbyists posted in various institutions including the UN systems across the world. Character assassination of the leadership in the Ethiopian government and prominent Ethiopian scholars was used to depict the Prime Minister as dictator and power seeking person.

The strategies enumerated in the leaked document were not entirely new. Most of the elements of the strategy were already put into practice when terrorist TPLF conducted 17 years of war with the former military government.

On the other hand, the document, among other things clearly indicates the mindset of the terrorist group. It shows that terrorist TPLF leaders are living and thinking in the past while they are totally ignorant of the current objective reality in Ethiopia. Contrary to the expectations of the terrorist organization, the youth, former members of the army, the militias and special forces across the regions swiftly joined the army in fighting off the terrorist rampages of terrorist TPLF and the entire population in the country stood united more than ever.

Terrorist TPLF’s wrong and idiosyncratic assumptions are clear indicators of the strategies that would never synchronize with the objective reality in the country. Contrary to the interests of the western powers which are already disoriented and misguided by the terrorists, terrorist TPLF can in no way qualify for any level of negotiations with the Ethiopian government primarily because its basic intentions for dialogue and negotiations does not tally with western interests.

For instance the strategy notes that any meaningful election cannot take place in Ethiopia but the nation conducted the most successful, democratic and credible election in the history of the country.

The strategy designed by terrorist TPLF is already in a total fiasco and can never take off from the ground. The days of terrorist TPLF are numbered and the people and government of Ethiopia shall emerge victorious.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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