TPLF Sacrificing Entire Youth Generation of Tigray for Terror Ambitions: Vision Tegaru Movement Chair

The terrorist TPLF is sacrificing children and the entire generation of Tigray by sending influx of human waves in its invasion of Afar and Amhara regional states, Vision Tegaru Ethiopians Movement Chairperson revealed.

 In an exclusive interview with ENA, Lilay Hailemariam said the terrorist group is depriving Tigrayan mothers their children while they pursue their destructive and futile ambitions.

The chairperson noted that the terrorist TPLF has invaded Amhara and Afar regions with influx of child soldiers instead of reciprocating to the unilateral ceasefire the government had declared last June to allow a smooth flow of humanitarian aid to Tigray region.

According to the chairperson, the terrorist TPLF had sent 500,000 civilian fighters for human wave attack including farmers, women and children in the first round of its belligerent acts into the Amhara and Afar regions.

The evil deeds of recruiting child soldiers and sacrificing an entire youth generation would deprive Tigrayan mothers their children, Lilay noted.

The chairperson blamed officials who are currently leading the TPLF war for repeating the atrocities and crimes they had been committing during the 17 years of the armed struggle and the Ethio-Eritrea war.

He noted that most of the leaders of the terrorist group do not have the knowhow of military  strategy.

Lilay said some of them, including the former General Tsadikan Gebretensae, had been evaluated as incapable of military leadership during Ethio-Eritrea war and dismissed.

The chairperson revealed that more than half of their combatants were destroyed at the Guna Mountain front in South Gondar Zone of Amhara region.

He disclosed that almost all of the top leaders of the terrorist group came from the same area of Adwa province in Tigray region.

They do not care for the people of Tigray, but their own interests, Lilay stated.

The terrorist TPLF has been sending waves after waves of human beings in the ongoing war, the chair said, adding that the evil leaders also deploy 16 and 17 years old children that carry grenades to rush blindly into fortresses.



Source: Ethiopia News Agency


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