TPLF kills four members of one family in Wuchale Town

TPLFs shelling of civilian houses has resulted the death of four members in a single family in Wuchale town.


It is to be recalled that TPLF once said to The New York Times  “…If we have to go to hell to destroy Ethiopia and back, we’ll do it.”


Accordingly various reports coming out from the towns and villages of Northern Wollo towns, which were under TPLF invasion are evidently showing the level of TPLF’s atrocities.


Reports from the areas are now showing that when the terrorist group recognized  that its defeat is inevitable and losing the battles as a result of the counter attack by the united forces of Ethiopia,  it keeps on mounting atrocious attacks on civilians.


Evidently the attacks include shelling of civilian houses with heavy artillery, killing, destruction of properties and looting.


Corporal Fantaye Mola is one of the victims of such attacks by TPLF in the towns of Wichale.


According to him, four members of his family have been killed by the TPLF attack, while the other four members are heavily wounded.


Fantaye said the terrorist’s  attack has cost him the life of his wife, his son, his daughter- in-low, and his brother’s offspring.


The shelling also destroyed two of his rooms and his kitchen. Some six of his sheep  were  also killed by the attack, he said.


According to him, since everyone was taking shelter that night due to the attack he was forced to remain at home with the four bodies.


He said the next day he told his neighbors what happened, where they managed to help him bury the dead with respect.


In her part, Mrs, Aregash Haile, also a family member said that she has managed to reach the house immediately after the shelling.


However, three of them have been dead already while the 4th victim has passed in her arms, she told her account to ENA.


According to Corporal Fantaye, the terrorist  militants deprived  the family of mourning for their dead.


He said it was the most shocking  experience for them not to mourn for the death of their beloved family members, apart from the destruction of their properties.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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