Timket Celebration Colorful, Overwhelming: Tourists

Tourists from around the globe are stunned by the peculiar celebration of the Ethiopian epiphany (Timket).

Some of the tourists, whom ENA talked to them at Jan Meda, describe the outdoor festivity of Timket as uniquely impressive that tourist should visit.

A tourist from the UK, Keith Bowers said that the celebration is quite remarkably inspiring with all the diverse demonstrations.

“I have seen Timket a lot of times from the streets with the processions and I once came to Jan Meda (the place where epiphany is celebrated) the night before (ketera) with the entire crowd.

This is the first time I have been in this compound so it is remarkable. I feel inspired with all the singing and the beautiful costumes that people are wearing, and the pool with the Holy water.

So I feel very honored to be here,” he added.

Ethiopian epiphany is impressive to watch and is quite a potential tourist attraction, Bowers said, and added “but it is not the only thing that Ethiopia can offer to the world.”

Emily Goner, from USA who happened to be in Ethiopia due to work, said that the religious celebration is colorful and something that is not often seen in the US.

“A lot of people want to come to Ethiopia and to be able to share something like this is amusing,” she emphasized.

“I think showing the unity of the many people here is important. It is very important that Ethiopia is a united country and to see many different people here, different religion, and ethnic group coming together side by side,” Goner elaborated.

Different cultural celebrations of various ethnic groups are demonstrated, she stated, and expressed that the colorful traditional clothes are very peculiar.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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