Tigrayans Organize Candlelight Ceremony to Pay Tribute to Interim Admin Members Killed by Terrorist TPLF

Addis Ababa, A candlelight ceremony organized by Tigrayans was held today in Addis Ababa to pay tribute to members of the Tigray Interim Administration brutally killed by the terrorist TPLF group in the region.

It is to be recalled that the government of Ethiopia has declared a unilateral humanitarian ceasefire in order to create conducive environment to the flow of humanitarian aid and encourage farmers to engage in farming activities in Tigray region.

However, the group has been engaged in carrying out several vengeance acts following the withdrawal of Ethiopian National Defense Force from the region as part of its unilateral ceasefire.

Using the ceasefire as a good opportunity, the terrorist group has killed and abducted many people in the region that it thinks are supporters of the government.

In this regard, one of the victims were members of the Interim Administration of the region who had been tirelessly worked hard to ensure peace and development in Tigray.

So far, the terrorist TPLF has brutally killed more than 50 members of the administration.

The candlelight ceremony was organized in Addis Ababa Mesqel Square today to pay tribute to these victims of the group in the presence of many Tigrayans living in the capital.

During the occasion the participants condemned the heinous act of the group and called on Ethiopian Human right commission to monitor the killing of these innocent people.

They have also expressed their disappointment over the international community for giving deaf ear to the atrocities being committed by the terrorist TPLF in Tigray and neighboring regional states of Ethiopia.

The participants have further called on the people of Tigray to fight against the terrorist group.

It was indicated that most of the victims were very young who aspires for better future to the people in Tigray.

Interim Administration CEO, Abreham Belay confirmed during the occasion that the government will provide the necessary supports to families of the victims.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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