Tigray Nutrition Cluster: Humanitarian Response Update, August 2022

Find and treat campaigns

Find and treat campaigns began in August 2021. By Aug 2022, 20 Woredas had carried out find and treat campaigns reaching 88% of the targeted children U5 (209,181) and 98% of PLWs (55,957) with MUAC screening and providing treatment for the malnourished while linking them with a follow-up OTP or SC site.

In Aug 2022, a F& T campaigns was held in Tselemti and Mai Tsebri Woredas jointly and the proxy GAM rate was 29% while the proxy-SAM rate was 3.6%. In all the 20 Woredas, the average proxy-SAM rate was 3.6% while the average proxy-GAM rate was 28.6%. A total of 917 children had bilateral pitting oedema.

Of the PLW screened, 67% had MUAC <23cm showing high malnutrition rates among PLW.

The 14 F&T campaigns conducted in 2022 enabled the finding and referral of 6,262 new SAM cases, which is 6.8% of the yearly regional target of 92,650 The find and treat campaigns are useful in estimating the nutrition needs in the different Woredas.


Source: UN Children’s Fund

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