The Government of Ethiopia has Taken Several Steps to Ensure Accountability Pertaining to the Conflict in the Northern Part of Ethiopia

In terms of ensuring accountability, the Government is implementing the recommendations of the Joint Investigation reports of EHRC and the UN Human Rights body by establishing Inter-Ministerial Taskforce which is tasked with collating and documenting criminal acts with a view to bringing perpetrators to the court of law. Thus far, the Taskforce took considerable steps in fulfilling its objectives. Establishing an Investigation and Prosecution Committee, the Taskforce has deployed a strong team of 158 investigators, all drawn from Ministry of Justice, Federal Police, Ministry of Defence and Regional Justice Bureaus/ the Police, to the Afar and Amhara regions. Having gathered detailed criminal evidence, the team is concluding the investigation phase. It will commence the prosecution proceeding in a couple of months’ time.

Furthermore, the Government is engaging the UN human rights bodies to iron out the modalities of cooperation as to investigating and ensuring accountability on alleged human rights violations. In this connection, a high-level delegation led by the Minister of Justice, H.E. Gedion Timotiwos (PhD), met in Geneva with members of the International Commission of Experts on Ethiopia. The meeting offered an opportunity for the delegation to explain Ethiopia’s readiness to engage with the Commission and submit its reservation. The delegation clarified its position and expressed its will to cooperate with the Commission provided that the commission agrees to focus on events which were not covered by the EHRC and OHCHR Joint Investigation. There will be further discussions to try and reach mutually acceptable terms. Respecting the principle of complementarity and avoiding unnecessary duplication are Ethiopia’s justified positions.

Source: Ethiopian Embassy UK

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