Terrorist TPLF’s Humanitarian Hindrance in Amhara Region Worsening Situation: Gov’t

The terrorist TPLF’s hindrance of humanitarian aid to North Wollo Zone of Amhara Regional State is worsening the situation, according to the Office of the Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Office Press Secretary Billene Seyoum told the international media today that TPLF has been blocking humanitarian assistances to some woredas of North Wollo.

“As you know North Wollo is one of the areas under the Safety Net Program for there is problem to food security, TPLF’s hindrance to humanitarian actors to reach civilians in need is worsening the situation,” she noted.

Billene said that the group not only destroyed the livelihood of the people but also abducted and holds them as a hostage.

“The terrorist group not only destroyed the livelihood of the region, but has also been holding the people in North Wollo as a hostage and systematically blocking assistance from reaching to this people who are in urgent need.”

However, the government has been exerting a maximum effort to address the dire humanitarian situation in North Wollo jointly with the World Food Program and other relief agencies.

She also indicated that as of September 8/202, five trucks have reached loading over 1,940  quintals  foods for North Wollo beneficiaries who have been  in Dawent Woreda.

According to her, the number of displaced people has exceeded more than 500,000  from Waghmira, North Wollo, South Gondar and North Gondar zones of the Amhara region.

The number of Internally Displaced People (IDP) from North Wollo Zone alone has reached over 270,000 and sheltered in  Dessie town.

As of September 14/2021, the Disaster Risk Management Commission and partners distributed over 27,000 quintals for more than 178,000 IDPs.

Similarly, nine trucks loaded with 2670 quintals of food have been dispatched to IDPs in Waghimra zone.

Speaking on the humanitarian situation in Tigray Region, the press secretary said that  partners including World food program and others have been dispatching foods to woredas and Kebeles in  Tigray.

“As of September 14/2021, humanitarian partners have deployed 590 trucks to transport humanitarian cargos from Semera  to Mekelle.  More than 50,000 metric tons of food as well as close to 6,000 metric tons of noon food items have been transported.”

According to her, as of September 14/2021 some 32 partners have been granted permit to transport a total of 144 million Birr cash to Mekelle for humanitarian operation. This is something that will continue based on evolution, she pointed out.

The check points have been decreased to soften the movement of humanitarian convey into Tigray Billene  said  however, she added that the number of trucks being dispatched by humanitarian actors has not increased as it should be.

“We have a situation where humanitarian checkpoints have decreased from seven to two and the humanitarians actors have now been facilitated for a smooth humanitarian flow by reducing these checkpoints.  nevertheless, we are witnessing that there is no high number of trucks with humanitarian assistance that is entering.”

In a similar humanitarian update, the government in collaboration with the World Food Program has mobilized resources for internally displaced people in Afar region.

Accordingly, as of September 14/2021, over 10,000 quintals of food distributed for more 70,000 displaced people from six woredas in the region.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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