Terrorist TPLF Suffering Huge Loss in Several Fronts: Gov’t

The National Defense Force of Ethiopia has carried out a successful offensive attack on the terrorist TPLF group in several fronts in Amhara region, Government Communications Service disclosed.

Government Communications Service said in a statement it issued today that the national defense force in collaboration with other security forces of the country has carried out successful offensive attacks on the terrorist group in kutaber, Tehuldre, Worebabo, and Chifra fronts.

The Ethiopian Air force has conducted airstrikes on selected targets that were used by the terrorist group as military facilities, it added.

Accordingly, TPLF’s military training centers, military communication facilities, military equipment and uniform manufacturing sites have been completely destroyed by the airstrikes, the statement indicated.

Huge number of militants deployed in the fronts by the terrorist group has also been killed, injured and captured, it added.

According to Government Communication Service, heavy weapons that the terrorist group was boasting about are now made out of use.

The statement recalled that the group had considered government’s unilateral humanitarian ceasefire and its withdrawal from the region as a defeat, and bragged that it will take over Addis Ababa within two weeks.

However, all these day dreams have been thwarted by the heroic Ethiopians, it added.

Currently, the terrorist TPLF has begun begging the Ethiopian National Defense Force and the people of Ethiopia for help, the statement said.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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