Terrorist TPLF Responsible for Crises in Tigray: Chairman of Tigray Democratic Party

Tigray Democratic Party Chairman, Aregawi Berhe, said shifting the blame for the problems in Tigray onto the federal government instead of the terrorist group TPLF is absolutely unacceptable.

Disrupting aid by exploiting old relationship and attempting to create diplomatic pressure on the government is also unacceptable, he added.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Aregawi recalled that not only the people of Tigray but other Ethiopians had also been suffering under the leadership of the terrorist group for over  two decades.

He noted that the group did not respond to the development and justice demands of Tigray people but focused instead on greedily controlling and plundering the resources of the rich in Ethiopia.

According to him, the terrorist group is the accountable body for all political, economic and social crises in the region and the country.

This group, which has been trading and amassing wealth in the name of the people of Tigray, has no ears and eyes to hear and see the suffering of Tigray mothers, children beyond achieving its own interest, the chairman stressed.

Though the acts of the evil group were not hidden from anyone, the support foreign powers give to the clique rather than condemning it is a sick joke on the people of Tigray, Aregawi underscored.

It is sad to hear the false testimonials of some supporters of the group inside the country and abroad, he added.

The chairman pointed out that some members of the U.S Congress are working to put pressure on the federal government because of their old relationship with the terrorist group.

The main aim of these persons is to undermine the longstanding relationship between Ethiopia and U.S.A, he underlined.

Personal friendship and diplomatic relationship of countries should not be confused, Aregawi noted, adding that it is unacceptable to pressurize the new government.

“The U.S Administration is confusing personal relationship with diplomatic relationship, he criticized, noting further that  “regular diplomatic relationship should continue through legal channels and embassies. However, old diplomats like Susan Rice are trying to pressurize the newly elected government. This again is unacceptable as it is against the interest of the people of Ethiopia.”

The terrorist group TPLF is working to disintegrate Ethiopia by creating conflicts and causing loses of human life and resources.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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