South Sudan: Humanitarian Snapshot (May 2021)

High levels of food insecurity, violence and cattle raids affected vulnerable people in May. Sub-national violence in the Greater Pibor Administrative Area continued affecting tens of thousands of people. The violence severely impacted response operations in the area. People’s homes and humanitarian facilities were looted and burnt down, this included warehouses of relief commodities. An estimated 20,000 people were temporarily displaced by the violence. Some 8,700 people, mainly elderly and very vulnerable people, remain displaced in Pibor. Most are staying with host communities. Fighting between armed forces and clashes between cattle keepers and host communities in Lainya, Kajo-keji and Yei counties of Central Equatoria continued, resulting in civilian displacement and impacting humanitarian activities. In Lainya, an estimated 8,000 people fled attacks by armed cattle keepers. Sub-national violence in Ulang County, Upper Nile, displaced people and humanitarian supplies were looted. In Gogrial East County, Warrap, violence uprooted civilians, mainly women and children, with casualties reported. Flooding in Ayod County, Jonglei, displaced about 31,000 people to Ayod town. Since April 2020, 10,688 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in South Sudan.

Source: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

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