Some Addis Residents Reaffirm Commitment to Support GERD Till Completion

(ENA) Residents of Addis Ababa told the Ethiopian News Agency that they will continue supporting the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) until its completion.

According to them, the downstream countries have been trying hard to disrupt and stop the construction of the dam since its commencement.

Its construction has, however, been carried out through own capacity and participation of the public without any interruption.

The overall construction of GERD has now reached 80%.

Residents of Addis Ababa approached by ENA have reaffirmed their commitment to sustain their support for GERD till its completion.

The elderly resident, Tadesse Melaku said Nile River is our life and a source of light for our children.

” We are getting older, but want to see our children get light. I have been buying GERD bond because we have to whatever it takes to our country and our children before we die. We want light and our children should not remain in darkness before we die,” he added.

The young resident, Dejene Abdela said ” we are self-employed citizens who work under an association. As our unity is crucial in completing the dam, we have been buying bonds through our association and mobilizing the public to support GERD.”

The other youngster, Yeka Merga stated that everyone knows that he started buying  GERD since he was eighth grade.

“I am therfore vexed with the recent foreign interference as an Ethiopian. As a patriot young Ethiopian I am ready to sacrifice my life for the dam,” he added.

Office of the National Council for the Coordination of Public Participation to the Construction of GERD Public Relations and Media Communication Head, Hailu Abraham said the public is expecting eagerly the completion of the dam.

According to him, the public, especially the diaspora has been contributing significantly for GERD during the past 10 months.

Noting that some foreign powers are putting pressure on Ethiopia to stop the filling of the dam, he stressed the need for concerted efforts to complete the construction of the dam swiftly as well as defend it from external pressure.

In addition to the contribution they made during the last decade, the public have raised 1.8 billion Birr during the last 10 months alone; of which the biggest contribution was made by the diaspora,” the head revealed.

Hailu further called on the public to strengthen their support until the completion of the dam.

The second round filling of the GERD will be carried out this Ethiopian rainy season.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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