“Solving Africa’s Problems by Africans is Right Direction for Sustainable Solutions,” Foreign Affairs State Minister Says

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Tesfaye Yilma said “Solving Africa’s problems by Africans is the right direction for sustainable solutions.”

Young African representatives have discussed range of topics at the African Youth Conference, which is taking place at the headquarters of the AU in Addis Ababa.

During the occasion State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Tesfaye Yilma said that Africans can contribute significantly to advancing security and upholding peace.

He encouraged the continent’s future leaders to strengthen their ties with one another and work toward common goals.

The best way to provide durable solutions is for African problems to be solved by Africans, the State Minister said.

He underscored that the system by which the African continent should be represented on the UN Security Council needs to be reviewed.

Minister of Democracy System Building Center at the Prime Minister’s Office , Zadig Abreha  gave a presentation on the idea and history of pan-Africanism during the discussion.

Director General of the Ethiopian Diaspora Service, Mohammad Idris (PhD),  indicated that the only way to address Africa’s political, economic, and social issues is for Africans to draw on their own indigenous knowledge.

Based on the presentations, the youth participants discussed their role in relation to the existing opportunities and prospects for their engagement, according to Miniatry of Foreign Affairs.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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