SNNPR Council Re-elects Restu Yirdaw As Regional President

Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) Council has re-elected Restu Yirdaw as the president of the Regional State.


Addis Ababa October 2/2021 (ENA) Ethiopians need to maintain their unity and withstand internal and external pressures as enemies of the country are working day and night to disintegrate it, participants of the Irreechaa Festival which was colorfully celebrated in Addis Ababa said today.


From among the participants who attended the celebration, Haruna Ahmed who came from Alaba Zone of SNNP regional state said the festival is a manifestation of our unity and symbol of peace and love.


What makes this year’s Irreechaa special is that the country is on the verge of forming a new democratically elected government after the peaceful and democratic 6th General Election, he added.


“Our enemies are putting pressure on us, but this festival would show them all that we the nations and nationalities of Ethiopia stand united and celebrate the holiday together,” Haruna noted.


Shamble Belay Tefera who came from Hawassa, the regional capital of Sidama Regional State, said Ethiopians are one nation, regardless of language or religion differences.


“We therefore urge foreign countries not to meddle in the internal affairs of Ethiopia. Our unity and peace will continue. God will protect us and the children of Ethiopian are also ready to protect their country.”


Desta Lekisso from same region said the people should strengthen their unity as many efforts are being made to dismantle Ethiopia.


“The Ethiopian people are not divided. Our unity will continue to grow. In collaboration with our government, we will meet all our needs and demands. So what we ask the foreign powers is to refrain from interfering in the affairs of Ethiopia.”


The Irreechaa Festival which is celebrated in Birraa (in September and October) is the cultural expression of thankfulness to Waaqaa for providing life necessities to human beings and other living things as well as to welcome the new season of plentiful harvests after the dark and rainy winter season.


The celebration helps to strengthen and promote the Oromo tradition of respect for nature and gratefulness for life.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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