Schools Resume in Dessie, Hayq Towns of Amhara Region

Schools that had been suspended for more than two months due to the invasion of terrorist TPLF have resumed in Dessie and Hayq towns of South Wollo Zone in Amhara region, Ministry of Education said.

It is to be recalled that several infrastructures including schools and health facilities had been ruined by the terrorist TPLF during its occupation of areas in Amhara region of Ethiopia.

The government in collaboration with the people is making efforts to rehabilitate these infrastructures so as to enable them provide services.

According to Ministry of Education, schools that had been suspended for more than two months due to the invasion of terrorist TPLF have now resumed in Dessie and Hayq towns of  South Wollo Zone in Amhara Region.

Currently, almost all formal education has begun in both of the towns, the Ministry said.

Hayq town High School Director, Yared Getachew stated that the school has resumed teaching-learning process after more than two months of disruption.

The schools resumed formal classes with the help of the available resources, he added. More than 70 percent of the students are now attending school.

Schools destroyed and looted by the terrorist group in the region had a capacity of accommodating over 1 million students.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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