Scholar Urges Int’l Community to Condemn TPLF Looting, Destruction of National Heritages

The international community has to condemn the shameful acts of destruction perpetrated by the terrorist TPLF on national heritages, a scholar said.

Mizan Tepi University History and Political Science lecturer, Negusu Belay told ENA that the looting and destructions of national heritages by TPLF are against international laws and norms.

The international laws and norms prohibit wars around the environs of national and international heritages which must be safe zones in the course of conflicts between fighting forces, the lecturer said, adding that the terrorist TPLF group has however defied international laws and norms and caused damages.

Contrary to international laws and norms, the terrorist TPLF deliberately turns areas around national heritages into war zones and has been looting and destroying heritages located in theAmhara regional state.

With the exception of few individuals, the international community have not yet condemned the shameful acts of the terrorist group, Negusu noted.

However, all must condemn and expose these shameful acts of the terrorist TPLF group not only on national heritages but also on people and public facilities, according to the scholar.

TPLF’s looting and destruction of national heritages shows that the group is intent on destroying the history of the country and identity of the people, he stated.

He further stressed the need for strengthening security around national heritages to protect them from destructive groups and  terrorists.

It is to be recalled that the TPLF terrorist group looted manuscripts and destroyed a number of churches and mosques, including Felege Tsehay Checheho Medhanealem Cathedral situated in North Wollo Zone of Amhara region and the historical al-Nejashi mosque of Tigray, and many other national heritages are endangered because of the deliberate destructive acts of the group.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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