S. Korea Supports Nat’l Dialogue, Willing to Move Ethiopia To Development & Prosperity

South Korea supports the National Dialogue process and is willing to work together with Ethiopia to move towards development and prosperity, Ambassador Kang Seokhee said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the ambassador said it is important to begin dialogue in the country and find solution to narrow the gap between each reason.

“The ongoing National Dialogue in Ethiopia is a good starting point to find a solution in the country,” he stated, adding that South Korea supports this dialogue and hopes that Ethiopia will recover peace again.”

Ambassador Seokhee pointed out that South Korea can work together with Ethiopia to move towards development and prosperity.

According to him, South Korea has maintained a very friendly relationship with Ethiopia. “I think Korea and Ethiopia are best friends to each other.”

South Korea has the largest development cooperation projects in Ethiopia among African countries, the ambassador revealed.

Now South Korea is focusing on development cooperation projects in Ethiopia, including areas such as health, agriculture, education, and infrastructure, among other sectors, he added.

“Korea developed from a developing to a developed country. We would like to share our best experience with Ethiopia.”

Furthermore, Ambassador Seokhee said the two countries are working on many issues at the regional and international levels.

“There are many issues that Ethiopia and South Korea are working together. One of the issues is mitigating climate change. Korea is a leading country to make contributions to deserving global issues. Korea is in the 10 top countries in facilitating the world economy. Ethiopia is also a leading country in facilitating cooperation in Africa and headquarters of the African Union,” he elaborated.

In this regard, Ethiopia and South Korea can work together to make progress in deserving regional and global issues, the ambassador stated.

“We really hope that Ethiopia and South Korea become good partners in facilitating and making  progress in this kind of regional and global issues.”

Ethiopia’s diplomatic relations with South Korea dates back to the 1950s during which a number of Ethiopian soldiers sacrificed their lives in the Korean War (1950-53).


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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