Russian Foreign Minister’s Visit to Ethiopia Successful: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The official visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Ethiopia was successful, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA).

Briefing the media today, MoFA Spokesperson Meles Alem said Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov held talks not only with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen but also with President Sahle-Work Zewde.

The officials discussed about ways of bolstering bilateral ties and international issues.

During the discussion, President Sahle-Work stressed that Ethiopia and Russia need to expand their political relations in economy, trade, agriculture, and energy, among other spheres.

She added that the multilateral system of international relations must also be examined and renewed.

Russia supports the permanent membership of Africa to the UN Security Council, it was learned.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke also conferred with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on various issues of mutual interest.

Demeke said on the occasion that the relationship between Ethiopia and Russia is historical which transcended ages.

He further stated that Russia has been supporting the development efforts of Ethiopia by canceling the debt the country owed to the former Soviet Union and turning it into “Debt for Development” package.

Accordingly, the package will be used to modernize Melka Wakena Hydroelectric Power, improve the capacity of Balcha Hospital, among others, it was stated.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke noted also that Ethiopia is committed to the tripartite negotiations on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam which should be completed in a principled and fruitful manner.

Sergey Lavrov pointed out that the joint commission of the two countries should carry out detailed tasks.

In his briefing to the journalists, Spokesperson Meles said that 58,833 foreigners illegally living in Ethiopia have been registered so far, following the announcement of the Immigration and Citizenship Service to get registered.

The Immigration and Citizenship Service is mandated to register and administer legal permits for foreign nationals living in Ethiopia.

Accordingly, the service is registering all foreigners with expired visas, expired residence permits and those without any visa or residence permit as well as refugees or asylum seekers requesting status and residing in Addis Ababa and its vicinities with or without an urban refugee permit.

The registration will continue in regional states where foreign citizens live.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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