Russia, Ethiopia Maintaining Intensive Political Dialogue at Highest Level: Ambassador Terekhin

Addis Ababa-Russia and Ethiopia are maintaining an intensive political dialogue at the highest level, according to Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin.

The Russian Embassy in Ethiopia commemorated the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Russia today.Russia’s Ambassador, Terekhin said on the occasion that the current stage of Russian-Ethiopian partnership is highly commendable.

“Moscow and Addis Ababa are maintaining an intensive political dialogue at the highest level, inter-parliamentary contacts are intensifying, and humanitarian cooperation and interaction through public diplomacy are expanding,” he noted.

The cooperation also includes partnership in the fields of industry, agriculture, and energy.

On his part, Eshete Tilahun, European and American Affairs Director General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Ethiopia attaches great value and importance to its unique relations with Russia; and it is not just historic but practical as well.The Russian Federation has been on Ethiopia’s side through thick and thin, he stressed.

For these and other practical reasons, Ethiopia attaches great value and importance to its unique relations with Russia.“Our relation is not just historical but practical as well.

Ethiopia values its relation with Russia in the fields of education, science and national defense.

We highly appreciate Russia’s strong principled position and support during the United Nation’s Security Council meeting on Ethiopia,” he underlined.

Russia also stood on the side of Ethiopia against the colonial invasion of Italy in 1896 and when the Eastern part of Ethiopia was invaded by the then government of Somalia in 1977, the director general stated.

It is to be recalled that Russia came to the aid of the Abyssinian Empire during the Italian aggression back in 1895 by sending 30,000 rifles and 5,000 sabers to help the Ethiopian army and a mission of Russian Red Cross arrived in the country to deliver medical support to the sick and wounded.

The Ethiopian director-general finally noted that “our cordial and historic partnership needs to be replicated in the economic fields as well” as there are tremendous potentials for trade and investment cooperation.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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