Response to Internal Displacement in Ethiopia Fact Sheet – April to June 2022

Ethiopia has continued to witness conflict and drought-induced displacement throughout the reporting period. Throughout the course of the three months, the security situation in Oromia, Benishangul-Gumuz, and Gambella regions has deteriorated triggering further displacements. Inter-Agency assessments and protection monitoring reports have shown that continued conflict and intercommunal violence have impacted the wellbeing of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), IDP returnees, and other vulnerable populations, leading to growing unemployment and socio-economic disparities. Conflict over scarce resources and climate effects remain largely unaddressed in those locations.

UNHCR continues to collaborate in the Government-led Inter-Agency response to the plight of the forcibly displaced, in line with its 2022-2026 strategic directions focussing on the following three areas of intervention:

1. Provide quality protection support and services to Internally displaced persons (IDPs).

2. Address basic needs of IDPs through shelter, core relief items and camp management activities enhancing their protection.

3. Support IDPs in achieving a durable solution of their choice to their displacement.


UNHCR is present across the nine IDPhosting and provides ad hoc response in other parts of the country as necessary. In coordination with its partners, UNHCR has reached over 1.373,536 million people over the last three months, including through protection services, distribution of material assistance and shelter interventions.

Dignity kits (sanitary pads, underwear, and soap) were provided to 30,558 IDP women and girls of reproductive age in Afar, Amhara and Tigray, in coordination with Camp Coordination Camp Management (CCCM), WASH, Shelter/Non-Food Items, Protection monitoring and GBV sectors, also, in Northern Ethiopia, UNHCR identified through vulnerability screening, monitoring and rapid assessment of IDPs, over 12,190 persons with specific needs for targeted assistance

Source: UN High Commissioner for Refugees

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