Residents Outraged by Crimes TPLF Committed against People of Tigray

Addis Ababa, The crimes committed by TPLF against the people of Tigray are horrendous and beyond description, Tigrayans residing in Addis Ababa said.

The inhabitants who talked to ENA noted that everyone, including the international community, know well the brutality perpetrated by the TPLF leadership though they remain silent.

Gidena Medhn said the atrocities committed by TPLF are unspeakable and the international community knows this; but it overlooks the crimes.

The international community should not apply double standard while the TPLF is responsible for all the crimes committed in the region, he underlined.

“TPLF does not want to see peaceful and prosperous region in Ethiopia. They do not want Tigrayans to live in peace and prosper too. Therefore, we have to condemn the terrorist group and the international community should show commitment to this.”

Gidena urged the people of Tigray to stand against the junta and refuse to send their children to the war front.

Commander Gebremeskel Woldemichael said on his part the TPLF is recruiting child soldiers exploiting the unilateral humanitarian ceasefire declared by the federal government.

“The devastation caused by the terrorist group TPLF is not easy to see. It’s very sad. It is not an exaggeration to say that for the first time in history that a heinous crime has been committed in Tigray.”

The group has committed serious crimes by deploying children into war , he noted, adding that

the TPLF must be prosecuted. Ethiopians and the Human Rights Commission need to condemn the atrocities committed by TPLF.

Commander Gebremeskel said the junta does not want humanitarian assistance reach the people of Tigray and the people of Tigray as such must know their enemy.

According to him, the people of Tigray must fight in unison to make the terrorist group accountable to the physical harm and death of children.

Pastor Tsige Negash said the TPLF has done evil deeds that are not expected from an Ethiopian.

“We, the religious leaders, strongly condemn the actions of the TPLF, who have been trying to use the people of Tigray as shield and coercing innocent children to go to war. This obviously undermines the efforts of the government to rehabilitate the region.”

He stressed that the people want to see those who participated in such things to be brought to justice.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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