President Sahle-Work Urges Diplomats to Prioritize Ensuring Nat’l Interest within Dynamic Geopolitics

President Sahle-Work Zewde urged diplomats to prioritize ensuring national interest within the dynamic geopolitical situation.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been providing training in the premises of African Leadership Excellence Academy to diplomats for the last 21 days.

President Sahle-Work Zewde, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen, Former Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn, and Former President Mulatu Teshome (PhD) have shared their experience to the participants of the training.

During the occasion, President Sahle-Work said that national development is achieved through a rally among generations, adding that the training and experience sharing will move the country’s diplomacy a step forward.

Noting that the global geopolitics has been recurrently transforming, the president said “in this context giving the utmost priority to national interest is crucial.”

The global geopolitics is dynamic and it is essential to ascertain national interest, Sahle-Work pointed out and called on diplomats to discharge their due responsibility.

The president appreciated the reform being underway at the ministry of foreign affairs stressing the need to provide the necessary supports to the ongoing efforts carried out to strengthen the diplomatic activities to a higher level.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen said on his part that diplomats, taking into account of the global situation, should work hard to ensure national interest more than any other time.

He added that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been undertaking a number of reforms to strengthen its diplomatic relationship and the training is part of that.

Demeke pointed out that works are underway to establish a club where senior and junior diplomats can meet and share experience.

Former Prime Minister, Hailemariam Dessalegn stressed that diplomats have the responsibility to sustain national interest in the dynamic global politics.

Ethiopia has diplomats that can safeguard its national interest in the international arena, Hailemariam said, and emphasized the need to further expand.

Former President, Mulatu Teshome (PhD) said on his part that diplomats need to work with patriotism and dedication to ensure national interest.

The diplomats also need to strive to achieve the aspired goal more than any other time, he added.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency
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