President Sahle-work Receives Credentials of 7 New Ambassadors

President Sahle-Work Zewde received credentials from newly appointed ambassadors of seven countries today.

Ambassador of UK, Romania, Algeria, Czech Republic, Guinea, Zimbabwe, and Guinea Bissau to Ethiopia have handed over their credentials to President Sahlework.

During the ceremony, the president expressed Ethiopia’s commitment to reinforce friendly relations with the respective countries.

Sahle-work also said that she would support the ambassadors to further strengthen the bilateral relationships with their respective countries.

Ambassador of Algeria to Ethiopia, Mohamed Lamine Laabas said that both countries have enjoyed good relationship.

“I am very happy to inform you that in the coming months we will have bilateral commission (the 5th session) where many agreements have already been discussed and concluded in the area of trade, education, air transport. I am also very much happy to inform you that in very few months a new airline will be open between Addis and Algeria and both companies (Ethiopian Airlines and Air Algeria) will be serving this sector,” he explained.

Ambassador of Czech Republic to Ethiopia, Miroslav Kosek said that his country interested to work with Ethiopia especially in the field of agriculture, environment protection, soil protection.

“Enhance cooperation between our two countries, especially in the field of the open cooperation which is ….for us here in Ethiopia is the top partner in the open cooperation, which does not mean just help but mutual cooperation. We are interested in our companies as well which is especially field of agriculture, environment protection, soil protection.”

Ambassador of Zimbabwe to Ethiopia, Sophia Nyamudeza said that she would work to strengthen the economic cooperation between both countries.

“Zimbabwe and Ethiopia have historical relations dating back to before 1980. We have opportunities to share experiences and exchange views on areas of common interest, especially in the development of our two countries and to improve the standard of living of our people.

I am looking forward to work with the government in the areas of agriculture, air transport, energy, tourism and education,” the Ambassador elaborated.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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