President Sahle-Work Meets with CEO of Global Center on Adaptation

President Sahle-Work Zewde held talks with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Global Center on Adaptation, Professor Patrick Verkooijen today.

Global Center on Adaptation is an international organization founded in 2018 with main mission of acting as a solutions broker to accelerate, innovate and scale adaptation action for a climate-resilient world.

The CEO of Global Center on Adaptation, Professor Patrick Verkooijen has conferred with President Sahle-Work Zewde today in Addis Ababa.

During the occasion, the president said Ethiopia, as a country and Africa as a whole, contributes little to climate change, but the impact on them is significant.

It is known that Ethiopia is developing and implementing a national adaptation plan and adaptation measures are being taken in all sectors, including adaptation to its national development plan.

President Sahle-Work thanked the Global Center on Adaption (GCA) for providing financial and technical support for Africa’s efforts to implement adaptation.

GCA and the African Development Bank are working to raise funds to support the African Adaption Acceleration Program.

The global office of GCA is hosted by the Netherlands in Rotterdam, with regional offices in Africa, South Asia and Asia Pacific and a knowledge and research hub based in Groningen.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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