PM Abiy Welcomes Ethiopian Diaspora Across Globe

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed praised the Ethiopian diaspora across the globe for honoring the national call to visit their motherland as part of the Great Ethiopian Home Coming.

In his statement issued today, the Premier said “On behalf of myself and Ethiopia, thank you again for honoring our call. You have come to your homeland.”

The Ethiopian Diaspora around the world has proved that they are the children of the country by responding to its calls and showing strong unity to stand with their country whenever it needed them, he stated.

“When some vowed to defy Ethiopia, when others set out to cover up the truth of Ethiopia by fabricating lies, when the rest set out to exert undue pressure on Ethiopia, our diaspora stands together for Ethiopia,” the Premier pointed out.

The Ethiopian diaspora knocked on the doors of politicians, challenged big institutions and put pressure on the media to reflect the reality on the ground in Ethiopia, he said.

The Prime Minister said “our diaspora members have honored their country by being qualified diplomats for Ethiopia. In addition to advocating for the Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD), they have also helped to expedite the construction of the dam by providing financial support.”

The Ethiopian Diaspora is regularly providing supports both in kind and money to help victims, he said adding when Ethiopia’s foreign exchange reserves were drained; they extended donations to the nation by reducing from their daily life, Abiy stated.

He stressed that many countries around the globe have forged strong ties with their diaspora, which has helped them to grow politically, economically, diplomatically and socially citing South Korea, India, China, and Mexico as good examples.

These countries have used their diaspora in order to have educated human resources, increase their foreign exchange capacity, to make technology transfer, make the affairs of their country a part of the foreign policy of the country in which they live; to mobilize material and human resources; to modernize their education, health and agriculture systems.

‘To accomplish these tasks, we need to mobilize our resources, work consistently, and plan ahead,” abiy said.

He further sated “if our capacities are dispersed in every area and situation, vital change will not be possible. Instead of rushing to help each other, we waste our time blaming each other.”

“I hope our Diaspora communities will think of all this. It is believed that they can learn from the experience of other strong diaspora communities in their respective countries,” he stressed.

They have immeasurable love for their country and a strong desire to support their country and their people to the best of their ability.

“They have proved this in public. They even went so far as to sacrifice their lives” he said, adding “When their country said, ‘Come back to your homeland as a million!’ they come,” the Premier stated.

Prime Minister Abiy urged the diaspora community during their stay here to visit affected areas, support the people and witness the horrific atrocities perpetrated by the terrorist TPLF on the people.

He also urged them to participate in programs organized by some institutions, visit tourist destinations, development activities in the country.

“Your mother will give you everything she has. What you are offering may not be complete. But the mother’s house is more than anything. Do not be surprised if you do not find the same efficient and modern practices that you are accustomed in every office, business, and service,” Abiy said.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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