PM Abiy Says Ethiopia to Hold Inclusive National Consultation Forum to Avoid Internal Strife

Addis Ababa, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced that the government of Ethiopia will organize an inclusive national consultative forum with a view to narrowing political differences and avoiding internal strife.

The Premier made the announcement in his speech delivered during the government formation ceremony held today at Meskel Square in the hundreds of thousands people including African leaders and high level delegation.

At the occasion, Abiy said the national consultation forum will bring together not only political elites but also all sections of the society in the country.

The national forum will be conducted in a manner that would also look in to indigenous solutions to addressing the existing challenges of the country, Abiy Added.

“In order to overcome the overlapping and ongoing problems that we are facing, we need to be modest and stand together. To achieve this, we will hold an inclusive national consultative forum by narrowing our political differences,” Abiy underlined.

Recalling that historically, Ethiopians’ internal strife has been a mockery of their enemies, the prime minister pledged that his government is determined to pursue a participatory and inclusive approach to realizing the dream of building better Ethiopia.

Abiy hoped the future is bright for Ethiopians to reconcile their ideas and respect their differences as well as strengthen national unity.

African leaders present at the occasion congratulating Abiy for his appointment as Prime Minister, have expressed their readiness to support Ethiopia in its endeavor to realizing peace and prosperity.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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