PM Abiy Lauds Africans for Deciding to Hold AU Meeting in Addis Ababa

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appreciated leaders of the African Union (AU) member countries for deciding to hold the AU meeting in Addis Ababa.

The African Union summit will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia after two weeks.

The Prime Minister in his statement today appreciated the African leaders’ commitment and choice to convene the AU summit in Ethiopia.

There was a push to change the location of the AU summit from Addis Ababa, he observed.

“At this time when we are seeking your fraternal partnership, the action of those who have been pushing for AU summit to be held out of Addis Ababa citing COVID-19 spread and security situation as pretexts had saddened Ethiopia,” read the statement.

Abiy has recalled Ethiopia’s contribution to African issues and reassured continued commitment to the African affairs and Pan-Africanism.

Ethiopia has never taken the issue of Africanism as secondary, but as priority. Its commitment to Africa’s independence has never diminished. The place it gives to Pan-Africanism is always significant. Ethiopia is the same in the past and present, he said.

Recognizing Ethiopia’s strong position on African issues, its contribution to the African Union, commitment to African affairs and the significance of the AU summit, the Prime Minister, stated that the African leaders have chosen Addis Ababa to host the summit.

“The implication of hosting the summit in Addis Ababa is immense, as it proves our peace and stability as well as enables us to reaffirm our stance to African Agenda and practically demonstrate the good situations of Ethiopia to our African friends,” the premier stated.

He has also called on Ethiopians and residents of the city to cordially welcome their African comrades.

“The identities we share, the history that connects us and our common challenges are not small. Ethiopia is their second home, when a person comes to home, ought to be treated as a native not as a stranger. We must extend our hands and open our heart to receive and treat them to have lasting memory, keep them in peace and joy.”

The government has been undertaking diplomatic efforts with African countries and the African Union Commission to hold the summit in the capital city, he added.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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PM Abiy Lauds Africans for Deciding to Hold AU Meeting in Addis Ababa

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed appreciated leaders of the African Union (AU) member countries for deciding to hold the AU meeting in Addis Ababa.

The African Union summit will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia after two weeks.

The Prime Minister in his statement today appreciated the African leaders’ commitment and choice to convene the AU summit in Ethiopia.

There was a push to change the location of the AU summit from Addis Ababa, he observed.

“At this time when we are seeking your fraternal partnership, the action of those who have been pushing for AU summit to be held out of Addis Ababa citing COVID-19 spread and security situation as pretexts had saddened Ethiopia,” read the statement.

Abiy has recalled Ethiopia’s contribution to African issues and reassured continued commitment to the African affairs and Pan-Africanism.

Ethiopia has never taken the issue of Africanism as secondary, but as priority. Its commitment to Africa’s independence has never diminished. The place it gives to Pan-Africanism is always significant. Ethiopia is the same in the past and present, he said.

Recognizing Ethiopia’s strong position on African issues, its contribution to the African Union, commitment to African affairs and the significance of the AU summit, the Prime Minister, stated that the African leaders have chosen Addis Ababa to host the summit.

“The implication of hosting the summit in Addis Ababa is immense, as it proves our peace and stability as well as enables us to reaffirm our stance to African Agenda and practically demonstrate the good situations of Ethiopia to our African friends,” the premier stated.

He has also called on Ethiopians and residents of the city to cordially welcome their African comrades.

“The identities we share, the history that connects us and our common challenges are not small. Ethiopia is their second home, when a person comes to home, ought to be treated as a native not as a stranger. We must extend our hands and open our heart to receive and treat them to have lasting memory, keep them in peace and joy.”

The government has been undertaking diplomatic efforts with African countries and the African Union Commission to hold the summit in the capital city, he added.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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