PM Abiy Calls on Adoption of UNSC Seats for Africa, Formation of Continental Media House

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed called on African leaders today to collectively insist that Africa’s reasonable request for no less than two permanent seats and five non-permanent seats at the UN Security Council be adopted, and also stressed the need for the establishment of an African Union continental media house.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 35th Ordinary Session of the African Union (AU), the prime minister added that Africa’s media representation on the international stage is equally important.

Abiy insisted that Africa’s voice on the world stage needs to be heard loud and clear. “Africa    must also be represented on important international bodies.”

More than seven decades after the creation of United Nations, the premier pointed out that Africa remains without meaningful input and role in the system of international governance.

“This is particularly through of the United Nations. We as Africans lack representation in the Security Council and are underrepresented in a variety of ways. It is the right time to reform and revitalize the United Nations system to reflect current global realities and ensure that a more representative body with only fair representation and transparency in those institutions can usher in a just era in multi literalism,” he noted.

According to him, Africa’s media representation on the international stage is equally important and must be addressed urgently.

“The endless representation (of Africa) as a continent troubled by civil wars, hunger, corruption, disease and poverty is demeaning and dehumanizing likely driven by a calculated strategy  and agenda,” Abiy said.

This stereotypical media representation of Africa not only misinforms the rest of the world about the continent but also “shapes the way we see ourselves as Africans. Telling our stories and shaping our narratives must be our top priority.”

In this regard, the prime minister proposed the establishment of African Union continental media house.

He elaborated that this media house could be organized to provide authoritative news and information in the continent and fight disinformation, promote collective agenda and offer opportunities for pan-African voices to be heard.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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