Peace Option: Just Tactic for Terrorist TPLF

True to its nature, terrorist TPLF is using the genuine call for peace by the Federal Government of Ethiopia as a strategy of deception and manipulation on its supporters in the west and UN systems. A recent leaked documents of the terrorist group entitled: “ A Strategy and Tactic to the Final Chapter of War”, revealed that the group has made it very clear that the terrorist would never opt for peaceful talks but would instead use it as a tactic—i.e. to buy time for its war on the people and government of Ethiopia.

The document, prepared in Tigrigna Language has identified major strategic objectives which the terrorist claims would help facilitate its advance to Addis Ababa and seize power.

From the outset, the document clearly stipulates that the terrorist group has no interest in dialogue. The leaked document reads: “It shouldn’t be missed that one of the vital things in getting the upper hand during war is by rallying many forces in the international community stand behind your side, making believe that you are determined to solve problems through peaceful means.”

The peace rhetoric by the group is simply a window dressing of getting international support; for otherwise, its true nature is to dismantle the Ethiopian state and break the country apart—eventually serving the interests of Ethiopia’s historical enemies. In fact, the strategy is not as such a new document; rather, it has been under implementations since its establishment, more particularly, over the last four years.

TPLF reinstated this strategy by manipulating the rhetoric of peace to the international community; actually, it was  making preparations to launch another round of war on bordering regions, Amhara and Afar regions. “We (TPLF) have repeatedly informed our people that we don’t accept the proposed peace alternative,”  the document pointed out. While all the international organizations and the western powers certainly know the truth about TPLF—i.e. it does not want peace, it is only a few countries which speak up the truth about the terrorist.

It is indeed sad to note the blind eyes of western world for they fail to humanely share the appalling pains and atrocities TPLF inflicted on civilians in Afar and Amhara and condemn such atrocities afterwards.

TPLF totally rejects the peace initiative, the African Union (AU), Horn of Africa High Representative, Olusegun Obasanjo, has been pushing forward.

“Our lasting peace is not guaranteed through peaceful means. Instead, it is guaranteed through our muscle. The question of the people of Tigray can be addressed in the future only through advancing to Addis Ababa, overthrow Abiy’s government and constitute a new government by paying whatever life sacrifice it may require us,” the leaked document stated.

With regard to the support it is getting, TPLF has officially disclosed that it is getting armaments from foreign supporters who also vow to destroy the country through prolonged destabilization. The plane, which violated Ethiopian airspace and downed by the Ethiopian Air force, suggests that some countries may have airlifted armament in support of the group’s efforts to destabilize the country.

The self-styled Samri group members, who are under UNHCR humanitarian protection in Sudan, tried to infiltrate into Ethiopian territories and launch attacks on several occasions. Reports assert that this group is armed and organized by the allies of terrorist TPLF. While it is the duties of the host country and UNHCR to ensure that refugees entrenched in the refugee camps are only refugees, reports have been circulating on social media that this group has been provided with arms and logistics by TPLF’s international collaborators to destabilize the country. The testimonials from Samri captives and those mercenaries from historical enemies show that terrorist TPLF has never been alone in attempting to destroy the superstructure system in the country.

The terrorist group also ensured that the continuous supply of relief food meant for Tigray people must be diverted to the army in order to strengthen the logistics for its war on Ethiopia, to which the terrorist group vowed to  persuade the suppliers to siphon in more supplies to make sure that its army is well fed. This shows the unofficial or some kind of tacit agreement reached between relief supplies and the terrorist group to let them use relief supplies and other consignment for the war against the people of Ethiopia.

On several occasions, the Ethiopian Government issued statements calling on international aid organizations for transparency in their humanitarian operations in Tigray ensuring that the assistance had to reach to needy people at the grassroots level, not for the purpose of war. However, all of them kept quiet about it—implying that there might have been some conspiracies behind it. The UN and the western powers are never ready to make terrorist TPLF accountable for its aid diversion and starving the Tigray people.

The leaked document further states that TPLF will continue to support local ethnic groups with arms and finance to incite destabilization across the nation and make the government busy only with controlling conflicts here and there. On the other hand, TPLF will also conduct propaganda, disinformation and misinformation on local TPLF affiliated social media outlets, you tubes and on international mainstream media to terrorize the Ethiopian public.

All told, the terrorist TPLF has clearly indicated that it is fighting to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ethiopia and restore itself to power. Terrorist TPLF is attempting to implement the above mentioned strategies counting on the blessings it gets from local, regional and international allies either in diplomatic support, information warfare and arms smuggling and put maximum pressure on Ethiopian government and weaken the country.

There are enormous international conspiracies being hatched against Ethiopia under the pretext of human rights  and democracy. The impartial and biased report issued by International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE) is a vivid manifestation. Asked about the overall intent and purpose of the report, the  American Political Analysts Andrew Korybko strongly criticized  the stance by the commission is deliberate and intended to add ammunition to the information warfare campaign against Ethiopia, particularly its democratically elected leadership and the armed forces under its command.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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