Peace Minister Calls on Swift Action to Return Humanitarian Trucks from Tigray Region

Minister of Peace Muferiat Kamil has urged an immediate action in order to bring back humanitarian trucks which 93 percent of them entered Tigray region and not returned.

“No humanitarian trucks parked on the road to Tigray region. Some 93 percent of aid trucks entered Tigray not returned and it needs an immediate action,” the minister twitted.

Last night the United Nations (UN) Country Team in Ethiopia confirmed that none of the 149 trucks in the convoy that reached Mekelle, Tigray regional capital last week returned.

“Only 38 out of 466 trucks that entered Tigray since 12 July returned. We need trucks to deliver lifesaving assistance to people in Tigray,” it says.

There is a speculation that the terrorist TPLF has been using the humanitarian truck for deployment of its fighters in various war fronts.

For instance, last week the terrorist TPLF group posted a statement with images showing their fighters on trucks resembling the ones deployed for humanitarian assistance.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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