Party Urges Ethiopians to Organize Themselves, Reverse TPLF’s Destructive Agenda

All Ethiopians must take part in the survival campaign that has been carried out in the country, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP) said.

The party called on the people to organize themselves and reverse the destructive agenda of the terrorist TPLF group.

EPRP Public Relations Head, Megabi Haddis Abraham Haymanot said the terrorist group had from its very inception the goal of disintegrating Ethiopia and establishing a country to be called Great Tigray, he added.

The head recalled that the disagreement among Ethiopian forces of unity during the Derg regime created a good opportunity for the TPLF to come to power and the group seized  the opportunity to plunder the country and achieve its dream of disintegrating Ethiopia.

TPLF is an anti-Ethiopia group, which created a system of education that deepened ethnic differences in the country, and caused the current economic crisis, he noted.

According to him, EPRP has been fighting not only the Derg but also the anti-Ethiopian TPLF group. Members of the party are still playing their part in the diplomatic and the military aspect of the campaign.

Voicing his strong support for the recent call of the federal and Amhara regional governments for the people of Ethiopia to defend the sovereignty of the country, Megabi Haddis Abraham revealed that the terrorist group has been carrying out massacre and attacking Ethiopians in all directions.

“We must not wait the destructive force to knock at our doors,” the head said, noting that the issue is a question of existence that concerns all Ethiopians everywhere.

He pointed out that there should be no Ethiopian who does not participate in such survival campaign as the group is an enemy that has come to destroy Ethiopia and Ethiopians.

“Therefore, we Ethiopians should stand together and pay the necessary sacrifice,” he underscored.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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