OHCHR Commends Ethiopia’s Effort in Pursuit of Transitional Justice

Addis Ababa The effort of Ethiopian Government in pursuing accountability of human rights violations through transitional justice is encouraging, UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) East Africa Representative Marcel C. Akpovo commended.

OHCHR East Africa Representative Akpovo told ENA that his office had been very supportive for the government’s efforts in pursuing accountability right from the beginning.

“As a result of the joint investigation that we have conducted, my office and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, Dr. Daniel, I may say that so far, the efforts that we have seen from the government are very encouraging. They are going the right direction and then if it continues in that sense, I strongly believe that with time, all steps taken; we are going to pursue accountability for human right violation committed in the context of the Tigray conflict but also beyond that,” he added

The full participation of Ethiopian people and covering most of the human rights challenges that the country has faced so far in the public consultation on transitional justice policy options process is encouraging, he added.

Akpovo underscored: “the government is doing the right thing towards the right direction not only now but also in pursuing very much the provision within the peace agreement, which provide for such kind of step to be taken by government and address human rights violation committed in the context of the conflict.”

Speaking of the public participation in the consultation on transitional justice policy options process that the government has launched to promote human rights and ensure accountability, the representative said:

“You see the diversity of the people across the board from the civil society, from the media, from the judiciary from the political spectrum, from religious actors. Every single segment of the Ethiopian society has been brought together to speak about this transitional justice policy option that has been developed by the government, which is really in my view the right way to go.”

The government should continue in this inclusive manner, he said, and added “but more importantly, the accountability process that the government has embarked on.”

“It (transitional justice) is a very important point because it is one of the very critical endeavors that will help Ethiopia to reconcile with itself, to bring about the future by really dealing very responsibly with the past. And what I have seen so far, pointed into the right direction. I think that we all have the obligation the responsibility to support Ethiopia in moving toward that direction,” Akpovo elaborated.

He reiterated that OHCHR will continue to support the government’s effort towards realizing the already embarked transitional justice process and its implementation.

My role is to support the government of Ethiopia and Ethiopian people to progress in their search and effort towards human rights protection and promotion in the country, he stated.

Source: Ethiopia News agency

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