# NoMore, As an Inspirational Global Social Media Campaign for Justice

Recently organized by the Horn of Africa Hub, the #No more campaign was created by a coalition of Ethiopian and Eritrean activists led by former Al Jazeera & CBS journalist Hermela Aregawi.  This social media movement which has already gained global dimension and recognition has several objectives which among other things include  opposing the ongoing western media disinformation campaign on Ethiopia and the rest of the world, western economic warfare, diplomatic propaganda and military interventions in Africa in general and the “Horn of Africa” in particular.

Its current focus is on Ethiopia, where US-backed TPLF insurrectionists waged a brutal war that displaced millions of Ethiopians and killed thousands in Amhara and Afar regional states in Maikadra, Agamsa, Kobo, Chena, Mersa, Debre Tabor, Gahena, Dessie, Kombolcha,Galikoma, Fenti Resu in Afar and Mehal Meda in Northern Shoa.

The #NoMore Movement is thus being supported by Africans and others worldwide who oppose insurrectionist rebels in Africa as well as support nonviolent democratic reforms in the continent.

The recent global #NoMore marches organized by the Horn of Africa Hub are co-sponsored by the Answer Coaltion and the US-based  Black Alliance for Peace  which opposes “western military power to impose western control of African land and resources,” among others.

BAP is led by Green Party’s 2016 US Vice-Presidential nominee Ajamu Baraka who labeled TPLF a “western proxy” and claimed “the same individuals who now hold positions in the Biden administration were accomplices in the U.S.-led NATO decimation of Libya, hiding behind a modern-day version of the ‘White man’s burden’ otherwise known as “Responsibility to  Protect (R2P).”

In addition to Samantha Powers’ role in the catastrophic 2011 US Libya military intervention (which Obama said was his “biggest mistake”), several former CIA operatives who helped TPLF rebels in the 1980s, including Gayle Smith, was recently on a tour of Africa influencing US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to support the terrorist TPLF.

Ethiopians and foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin, Afro Americans and almost all colored peoples in Europe, the US, Latin America have already joined this movement which is widely spread across the world.

Among other things the #NoMore Movement has become a source of unity, aspiration and confidence building global movement that is geared towards opposing illegal interference into the internal affairs of Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa and the entire region by some western powers and the US. In addition, #NoMore has become a tool for the revival of Pan African self-assertion among the Africans in the region and in the diaspora.

It is a response to the neo-colonial domination by the so called developed countries in Africa and across the world. Furthermore, this movement is a peaceful but deep seated commitment to the ideals of democracy and fair trade among the nations of the world.

It is now clear that almost all less developed countries are undoubtedly embracing the struggle for fair and balance partnership between the so called developed nations and developing world.

It calls for the revision of major principles of international relations and diplomacy in defiance to the gun boat diplomacy currently pursued particularly by the US and some EU countries who wish to further dominate world trade, global organizations like the US and the global justice system.

The sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as peace in many African nations is being threatened by countries who wish to impose their interest on Ethiopia by providing diplomatic, logistic and ICT through satellite technology to terrorist TPLF which has vowed to go to hell to destroy Ethiopia and of course Ethiopians. The #NoMore Movement is therefore a comprehensive response to the atrocities of this home grown terrorist organization which is now on its end days as a political entity.

The # NoMore movement is also geared towards saying no to cultural imperialism and systematic blending of some western imperial cultural values that are imposed on Ethiopia and Africa at large.

Some nations in the west write and speak about democracy and have also incorporated them in their constitutions and their legal system but only to trample with them day by day. There is a lot of talk and lecturing in the western world about human rights but unfortunately these rights are violated every day in the so called advanced countries in the western hemisphere.

It is to be noted that the # NoMore Movement is not a movement against western countries and the US. This movement envisages unity and solidarity among the less developed countries on the bases of respect for international law in their relations with western countries who wish to keep Ethiopia in a vicious circle of poverty through aid programs that have always proved to be short lived and non-sustainable. So the movement is not geographically demarcated because it is already being supported by peoples of all walks of life across the world.

In one sense, # NoMore is a movement of advocacy for the rule of law and order, equity in international economic relations and a movement against unilateral imposition of sanctions by countries in gross violation of international laws simply to dictate their political, diplomatic and economic interests on less developed countries.

Although the #No More movement has attracted millions across the world including prominent diplomats and political leaders, it is still not institutionalized as it is limited to the social media. Even from the outset, this movement has ignited a spirit of global unity in the struggle for new economic order across the world. The level of social consciousness and self awareness that this movement has brought is quite remarkable but indeed there is a long road to cover before this movement actually touches the ground in the context of the realties in each country.

The no more aspect of the movement seemed to indicate commitment, unswerving resolve to make the earth a better place for all to live,  the prevalence of global peace and no more space for terrorists and those who wish to police the world.

It would be better to also interpret the movement in the context of each country in the Horn of Africa as each country will certainly find solutions to its problems in the spirit of brotherhood and win-win across the world.

The world is facing a myriad of challenges and problems that have been accumulated for years. Finding lasting solutions to these huge problems requires creating a national and global consciousness of which # NoMore is one. By all means, Ethiopia is well positioned and rooted in Africa and in global organizations to pursue the loft goals for which the movement has commenced.

The #NoMore Movement amplifies the dichotomy between formal and treacherous diplomatic moves by western countries which combine formal diplomatic relations with their smiling faces but stab from the back through their dagger under the cloak foreign policy of irredentism.

This movement has touched the hearts and minds of millions around the world as part of the peaceful struggle against the barrage of false misinformation campaigns aimed at  misrepresenting the less developed countries in all global forums pushing them to the periphery of international socio-economic development and amicable relations in the pursuit of foreign policy objectives of countries.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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