No-More Global Movement Demands United States Call for TPLF To Immediately Lay Down its Arms

The No-More Global movement has demanded the United States call for its proxy TPLF to immediately lay down its arms, if the former wants to be a partner for peace.

The Movement made the remark in a press release issued in connection with the second anniversary of the tragic and treacherous events of November 4, 2020 when the TPLF murdered members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces and triggered yet another devastating conflict in the Horn of Africa.

Rather than exploiting the peace process, the No-More movement demanded that the United States, if it wants to be a partner for peace, call for its proxy TPLF to immediately lay down its arms.

Noting that Ethiopia’s sovereignty is non-negotiable, the movement said the TPLF, emboldened by imperial foreign actors in the West to serve as their proxy in the region, continue their unrelenting assault on the people of Tigray, Amhara and Afar.

The United States and its western allies brazenly challenge, in both words and actions, the national sovereignty of Ethiopia. Openly racist leaders in the European Union recently went as far as deriding all of Africa and the non-European world as the “jungle” to be civilized by the European “garden”. This is not lost on the Ethiopian people.

“Thus, we are not afraid to call this out with conviction and determination until the misguided policies are corrected,” the movement underscored.

While publicly assuring the Ethiopian people that they are committed to Ethiopia’s sovereignty, the U.S. and its western allies continue their work against it, the press release said noting that millions across Ethiopia are explicitly saying “No More!” to their hostile agenda.

“We stand with all the people of the affected regions of Ethiopia who have been massacred, assaulted, maimed and displaced by the TPLF. We began our campaign last November with the slogan, “No More!” Today, we commit to redoubling our efforts and working harder to see peace prevail in the Horn of Africa,” it added.

It is within this climate and with this type of language that harkens back to the dark days of Western colonialism of Africa, that these amnesic Western nations now make audacious and insincere demands of Ethiopia and Eritrea in the name of “humanitarianism”.

“Africa is our home. We will not accept talking points that are designed to convince us that someone in Washington, Brussels, London or Paris is more concerned about our people than we are,” it said.

Despite 27 years of brutal ethnic apartheid, corruption, arbitrary arrests, torture and suppression of freedom of speech and assembly at the hands of TPLF and the overwhelming repudiation of TPLF by Ethiopia’s populace, the United States remains committed to seeing the TPLF exist as a malicious proxy in the region, the statement noted.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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