Nigeria Takes Lessons from Ethiopia in Avocado Production, Senior Nigerian Gov’t Advisor Says
The visit of Nigeria delegation to Ethiopia has served to take lessons from the country in Avocado production and empowering of local farmers, Nigerian Senior Government Advisor said.
A delegation of senior policy advisers of the Nigerian government has held discussions with the cabinet members of the Oromia region.
The delegation visited avocado farm being developed with cluster farming system in East Shewa Zone of the region.
Head of the delegation, Emanuel Sambo Mama said that Ethiopia is doing very well as far as Avocado production is concerned.
“We have lessons to take back to Nigeria. The lesson we learned here is we need to enhance the production of Avocado in Nigeria. Just like Ethiopia is doing. I think we have some lessons to take back home.”
The other member of the delegation, Brigadier General Sylvester Liwuide said for his part that the effort of the government of Ethiopia in empowering the local farmers to the extent of exporting is exemplary. ” I think we can take this lesson home,” he added.
Oromia Region Agriculture Cluster Coordinator with rank of Regional Deputy Chief Administrator, Girma Amentei said that the government has been engaged in modernizing the agriculture sector to enhance productivity with a view to ensuring food self-sufficiency.
He also mentioned the efforts being carried out by the government to improve the life of the people including the farmers.
The Coordinator noted that most of African countries or institutions including Ethiopia eye for the Western and Asian countries for sharing experiences for years.
However, he noted that the visit made by Nigeria, which is the largest economy and population in Africa, to share experiences of Ethiopia in Agriculture sector, will encourage us to do more.
“It has not been familiar to learn each other within Africans ….. Nigeria’s visit to take a lesson from Ethiopia’s experience could be taken as great exemplary for the continent,” he noted.
Source: Ethiopia News Agency