NGOs Must Act in Accordance with Country’s Law: Leaders of Civic Societies

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in humanitarian activities in Ethiopia must act in accordance with the law of the country and trespassing the law should not be tolerable, leaders of civic societies said.

Coalition of Civic Societies for Ethiopians Chairperson, Gashaw Shibabaw told ENA that non-governmental organizations should be accountable to the duties and responsibilities provided by the law.

NGOs which violate the law should not be tolerated and they have to be held accountable, he added.

The Coalition of Civic Societies for Ethiopians will not tolerate any activity of its member organizations against the law and the national interest of Ethiopia, he stressed.

According to Gashaw, the sovereignty, unity and national integrity of Ethiopia are not to be compromised under any circumstances.

The recent decision of the government to expel individuals working for UN humanitarian agencies in Ethiopia for meddling in the internal affairs of the country is acceptable, the chairperson said, adding that they must be accountable for their unlawful acts.

Civil Society Organizations Council President, Negussu Legesse said the very agenda of non-governmental organizations is supporting and providing humanitarian assistance for the needy.

However, it must be taken into consideration that some non-governmental organizations, particularly international humanitarian agencies, may have hidden agendas that trespass the law and the national interest of Ethiopia, he elaborated.

Negussu noted that Ethiopians should not allow anyone to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country by using humanitarian activities as cover.

The president insisted that strict control mechanisms need to be put in place and strengthened to hold the perpetrators accountable.


Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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