New Gov’t of Somali Region Vows to Strengthen Successes Registered Over Last 3 Years

The newly elected government of Somali Reginal State of Ethiopia vowed to strengthen the remarkable achievements that have been registered over the last three years.

Somali regional council has today re-appointed Mustefe Mohamed as Chief Administrator of the region.
The Chief Administrator said in a speech he made to the council that the newly elected government of the region will work hard to sustain the ongoing positive achievement registered in the areas of ensuring peace and development of the region.

Recalling that the people of the region had been deprived of their peace, human and democratic rights including the right to self-determination for the past 27 years by the terrorist TPLF group, he said the reality has now been changed following the reforms carried out over the past three years.

He further stated that efforts will be intensified to bring these fruits of change to a higher level.

Mustefe pointed out that coordinated works will be carried out in the next five years to answer the development demands of the people in a meaningful way and to realize Ethiopia’s journey to prosperity.

Ensuring sustainable peace with the neighboring regional states will also be strengthened by carrying out development activities in collaboration with the regions, the chief administrator noted.

He called up on the people to stand alongside with the government in its efforts to bring all-inclusive and desirable change in the region and the country at large.

Source: Ethiopia News Agency

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